Posted by admin | Posted in Flower Beds, Home & Property | Posted on May 14, 2010
Don’t look now, but the back of our house looks… not good.
A combination of unfinished siding, unfinished painting, unfinished landscaping, and a triple-access mound system makes the view a little rough. In an effort to improve the look of the mound system, but still allow pump-truck accessibility, I started the first steps of a natural visual barrier.
Removing sod is always a fun time. Because of this, I try to work it into all my yard projects. 😉 As done on other sod removal occasions, I continued to transfer all removed sod to the trench valley in hopes of someday filling in the shallow ravine left by a 2005-ish mound system installation.
In the process, I found a home for some donated hostas from friends. I repositioned the hose reel stones to better accommodate the spigot, and repositioned the circular stepping stones to make a path to the future dining patio.
Sadly, this is as far as I got in 2010. I hope to continue this endeavor in 2011.