Garden Plans!


Posted by admin | Posted in Vegetable Garden | Posted on April 27, 2009

Ryan’s softball game was cancelled tonight, so we had an unexpected evening to work!  I know that’s how most people feel, right?

The most exciting thing about today is that we finished drawing up the 2009 vegetable garden plan.  (It’s to scale, but not painted…)  😉  Here is what we are planting this year:

  • Beans: green snap pole, yellow wax bush
  • Beets
  • Carrots
  • Cucumbers
  • Greens: lettuce varieties, spinach, swiss chard
  • Herbs: basil, chives, cilantro, dill, garlic, garlic chives, lavender, oregano, parsley, thyme
  • Melons: cantaloupe (undecided: watermelon)
  • Onions: yellow, red
  • Peas: sweet sugar snap pole
  • Peppers: anaheim, cayenne, Hungarian wax, jalapeno, poblano (ancho), traditional (red, orange, green)
  • Radishes
  • Rhubarb
  • Squash, summer: yellow, zucchini
  • Squash, winter: acorn, butternut, fancy gourd mix (undecided: pumpkin – maybe in a separate bed?)
  • Tomatoes: traditional, roma, yellow pear, cherry
We ruled out corn and potatoes due to size limitation of the garden plot, health factor (starch), and low purchase price.

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