On Friday, I used a half-day of vacation to get some yard work done. I started with the day lilies around the well. They were so full of grass roots that the little lilies had no room to grow. (I touched on this in the last post.) Below are middle and after photos.
After that was done, I began work on the rose bed. On the way home from work I purchased one more rose to have a total of 5. They are a variety of colors: Peach, Lavender, Red, White, and Yellow. After an amazing rebate, they were only $.50 each! We’ll see how they do. At that price, if we only enjoy them for a summer or two, it’ll be okay. 😉
I moved the sod to the back yard to even-off a sunken trench leading to the new mound system. It was 5 wheel barrow loads – hard work! I tilled compost into the bed and added rose food to each hole as directed. We’re both looking forward to the first blooms!
Great work.