Posted by admin | Posted in Flower Beds, Vegetable Garden | Posted on May 24, 2008
Still no signs of any germination for the 20-year-old green bean seeds. Who knew? LOL Our science experiment returned expected results. I re-sowed FRESH 2008 seeds over the top: Kentucky Blue Bean on the back row and Scarlet Runner beans on the front row for fun. I’m looking forward to seeing their red blooms!
Over the 20-year old peas (front row), I re-sowed 4 types of peas I received from Mom: Cowpeas, Oriental, Rally, and Sugar Sprint. If any come up, I’ll have a fun variety to try.
I transplanted the seedlings into the ground for: pumpkins, watermelon, eggplant, buttercup & butternut squash. I planted garlic cloves and onion sets.
I planted the 2nd half of the bush bean row with wax beans.
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I finished de-sodding the front birch-tree bed – can you believe it? I planted my Clematis, along with several perennials still patiently waiting in pots from Aunt Lisa. Feels good to be getting the plants in the ground. I also planted 2 flowers from Kay in the back bed today. We’re seeing some color!