Fencing Improvement


Posted by admin | Posted in Vegetable Garden | Posted on May 16, 2008

Made a trip to Home Depot and Menard’s tonight.  I picked up beautiful new fencing and 12 metal fence posts for my pole beans and climbing peas.  Yay!  Note to anyone who cares: the fencing was less than half the price at Menard’s compared to Home Depot, and just the right weight for gardening.  (Bendable with hands)

I also found perfect little posts for the chicken wire fence too.  On sale!  So we’re all set.  I managed to get all 12 posts in before 9:30 pm.

Happiness is: Hearing cows moo and birds chirp as you work in your garden until your body casts moon-shadows.

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Pictures, we want to see pictures 😉

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