A Weekend of Work in One Day II


Posted by admin | Posted in Flower Beds | Posted on May 17, 2008

After the garden was seeded, I resumed work on the Shade Bed back near the lilac. My goal was to de-sod the entire area and get the shade perennials in that have now been sitting in pots for a week.

I think it was a total of 7 wheelbarrow loads of grass that I removed and hauled over to help fill a low area around the back yard pine trees. Ugh. I thought my back was going to give out. Ryan helped lay the sod pieces during times of rain when he wasn’t running the chainsaw. Unbelievably, the job was FINALLY done.

About 7:00 pm I finally got a chance to start preparing the bed for plants. We hauled over 2 wheelbarrows of compost and mixed it in with the top soil of the bed. I planted shade geraniums, lamium, day lilies, catmint, asters (summer and fall versions), sundrop, forget-me-nots, and some lilies of the valley. (If I remember the others, I’ll add ’em here later.)

Ryan topped it off with a garbage can of mulch, and we were ready to call it a day. We watered everything and headed out to eat by 9:00. What a day!

Comments (1)

Hey you two are working very, very hard! I can’t wait to see the little baby plants pop-up…you are going to put more photos in aren’t you?

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