Posted by admin | Posted in Trees | Posted on June 4, 2008
I know it may be hard to appreciate what is going on here with just these cropped photos, but Ryan and I spent a few hours this past Sunday trimming back this enormous shrub in our front yard.
It went from WILD to WOW! What you see here is only the base of it. This super-wide evergreen reaches over 7′ high.
Thanks go to my Mom for this clean-up idea.
Posted by admin | Posted in Vegetable Garden | Posted on June 3, 2008
Okay, who knew the Liquid Fence spray bottle would naturally leak all over your spraying hand, and then because it’s so darn water-proof, it cannot be washed off!? Yes, my hand has smelled glorious for over 2 days. So nasty!
Hmmm… it DOES double as an appetite suppressant!
Posted by admin | Posted in Vegetable Garden | Posted on June 2, 2008
A quick entry to let you know that the Yellow Pear Tomato and both affected Chili Peppers are making a valiant return to life. Wow! All new growth is shooting up around the dead leaves. I’m so happy!
Posted by admin | Posted in Flower Beds | Posted on May 31, 2008
Watch the sun pass overhead as our work continues! We completed work on the front sunny flower bed to cover the hole made by removing the diseased honeysuckle. Click on the image to see a larger final photo.
Perennials include (from Aunt Lisa and Mom): Goldenrod Fireworks, Turtlehead, various Daylilies, Siberian irises, (regular?) Irises, Bachelor Buttons, Yarrow, Soapwort, Moonbeam Coreopsis, Golden Margarita, Companula, Volarian, Sedum, Obedient Plant. (please forgive spelling errors)
Posted by admin | Posted in Vegetable Garden | Posted on May 29, 2008
I noticed this evening that the frost did do some harm. The yellow pear tomato is not looking too healthy. All the top leaves appear to be dead! The bottom set of leaves still looks okay. I hope it will recover!
Two of the chili peppers took it for the team too. Being the last covered, we had used the plastic bags on them.
Lesson learned: Plastic does not keep frost out. In fact, I read that it actually keeps the cold in! Please learn from this!
Posted by admin | Posted in Vegetable Garden | Posted on May 28, 2008
With temps at or near freezing in the area last night, Ryan and I worked in the light of the car headlights to cover the garden after arriving home from the evening’s festivities (some martinis, some Indiana Jones…). We covered the tomatoes, peppers, and all new seedlings with our stock of painting & tiling bed sheets. When those ran out, we used old camping blankets and dog towels. When those ran out, we had to use 2 large plastic bags. Wow, wish I had held off on the seeds for a while.
I removed the damp coverings today before leaving for work. All looks good so far!
Posted by admin | Posted in Trees, Vegetable Garden | Posted on May 26, 2008
While I changed out the plugs, wires, & distributor cap on the old truck, Ryan mowed the entire yard AND got the push-mower running and did trim clean-up. Looks GREAT! We took the truck out for a test spin around the (huge) block, and it’s running like new. How awesome is that!?
We then proceeded to mulch and water the entire vegetable garden, and plant the 2 wedding trees. In there somewhere, I changed my oil and Ryan worked with the compost bins. Wow, it’s 7:30 and we never ate lunch? Time to make supper then.
We are hurtin’! Sore and tired, Ryan fell asleep on the couch during an episode of Seinfeld. That’s how I know he’s had a hard day.
Watch for more photos on Wednesday!
Posted by admin | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on May 25, 2008
Didn’t get anything accomplished in the yard today, but I did make an EXCELLENT Asparagus Soup! (If I do say so myself.) A nice treat.
Ryan and I filled the truck bed up with another load of compost and mulch before our Memorial Day Weekend festivities later in the day. Had to buy gas (ugh) so we can mow the lawn this weekend… we’re those terrible neighbors that let their dandelions go to seed. We know how much people like that.
Posted by admin | Posted in Flower Beds, Vegetable Garden | Posted on May 24, 2008
Still no signs of any germination for the 20-year-old green bean seeds. Who knew? LOL Our science experiment returned expected results. I re-sowed FRESH 2008 seeds over the top: Kentucky Blue Bean on the back row and Scarlet Runner beans on the front row for fun. I’m looking forward to seeing their red blooms!
Over the 20-year old peas (front row), I re-sowed 4 types of peas I received from Mom: Cowpeas, Oriental, Rally, and Sugar Sprint. If any come up, I’ll have a fun variety to try.
I transplanted the seedlings into the ground for: pumpkins, watermelon, eggplant, buttercup & butternut squash. I planted garlic cloves and onion sets.
I planted the 2nd half of the bush bean row with wax beans.
- – -
I finished de-sodding the front birch-tree bed – can you believe it? I planted my Clematis, along with several perennials still patiently waiting in pots from Aunt Lisa. Feels good to be getting the plants in the ground. I also planted 2 flowers from Kay in the back bed today. We’re seeing some color!
Posted by admin | Posted in Flower Beds | Posted on May 22, 2008
Where did we ever get our work ethic? It amazes me.
Tonight we worked together on digging out the enormous Honeysuckle stump on the side of our driveway. The plant was diseased and very old, so many of the roots broke right off in our hands and at the jab of our shovels. Ryan took care of the tougher ones with an axe. The whole project went quickly – wow!
I started a flower bed (AKA the place to finally plant my beautiful Clematis after 2 years of being indoors in a temporary pot) under the front birch tree. I managed to get the circle’s edge cut into the grass, and started removing the sod.
Hooray! The plumbing repair worked!