Just a quick update to document that one Roma tomato and one hot pepper have sprouted! I’m sure they’ll come quickly now.
Hoping to plant my lettuce, spinach, radishes, and onions outside this coming weekend!
Just a quick update to document that one Roma tomato and one hot pepper have sprouted! I’m sure they’ll come quickly now.
Hoping to plant my lettuce, spinach, radishes, and onions outside this coming weekend!
Today I cleared the asparagus patch of last year’s stalks and dead grass. The sun can now reach the ground to warm it up faster. I’m looking forward to those first tasty spears. Yum!
We will need to quickly build an arbor above the asparagus patch for the older grape vines growing there. The vines always get tangled up in the asparagus as they wind around the new plants each year. They’ve been wild for many years and we need to get them pruned and trained.
I hauled five wheelbarrow loads of compost to the garden before tiring. Ryan continued the job until our oldest compost bin was empty. He moved the least decomposed materials to the 3rd bin leaving us one more bin to bring to the garden. Almost ready for tilling already!
Per the advice of a family friend, I started our tomato and pepper seeds tonight. She says the first day of spring is a good guideline for starting those slow-growing vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, celery, parsley, and eggplant, and similarly slow flowers like marigolds. I planted the following seeds:
Continued observations:
I had to laugh that I’m a little behind last year, but I did get some time to make my vegetable planting list and take a seed inventory. Here’s what we’ll be growing this year:
Sunny edge of woods, to save garden space:
Fruit, perennial:
Did you notice NO zucchini!? I made an executive decision that for the small amount we actually eat, it’s not worth the valuable garden space.
I may give cauliflower a try. I have some old seeds. If they don’t germinate, so be it.
With the surprising 64-degree weather, I took a walk around the yard today with the dogs to see how things fared the winter months. Here are some observations:
For the record of this blog, here are shots of our garden and front flower bed at this time.
Yes, we finally pulled out the lettuce and spinach that had taken over. I know, I know, it has been a busy summer. Look at those tomatoes!
I love gardening.
I love being outdoors and actually taking notice of the changes all around us that happen every day.
One of the things I like best is ending the day watching the sun set and feeling the cool evening breeze on my face. Another day of hard work is done.
Here’s a quick pic of our garden on Fourth of July weekend.
In front are zucchini and yellow squash, followed by carrots and beets. Then a patch of winter squash varieties, then cucumbers and beans.
Down the middle of the garden are our hot peppers. On the far side, you see the spinach going to seed (whoops), a bed of onions, then our lovely tomatoes (my favorite), followed by green peppers and peas. Joy!
So the asparagus patch is looking rather rough. I thought it about time that I weed and fertilize the bed properly. Turns out it is a LOT of work! Is anyone familiar with asparagus maintenance? I need to investigate.
Ryan and I planted the garden this morning, finally! We even had a live audience – Katrina and Zach. We pretended we were on HGtv, demonstrating the proper planting procedures for various veggies. Very fun!
We planted: winter squash, gourds, summer squash, carrots, beets, cucumbers, peas, beans.
Quite a morning! Then we showered and headed out of town for my cousin’s graduation party.
Today Ryan tilled the entire garden in literally a matter of minutes.
We were lucky enough to be able to borrow a tiller from a co-worker for the weekend. What a nice machine! I never would have dreamed that tilling a garden would be so easy. As usual with large projects, it’s all about the quality of the tools.
Our garden was running a little behind this year, so the tiller helped us catch up a day or two. We were able to finish the garden preparation just in time for our bonfire guests to arrive!