Posted by admin | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on March 13, 2011
I know my previously-loyal readers (all three of them) were disappointed to see my 2010 posts trail off last April. The explanation for this was lack of both garden and blog time due to a bathroom remodel and the rigorous training schedule of a triathlon.
I’m happy to say I completed my first-ever sprint-length triathlon on July 11, 2010. The bathroom remodel was pretty much finished by October, but with all DIY projects, there are still a few finishing touches remaining.
I’m currently in the process of back-filling entries for 2010. I apologize for the delay, and hope to stay more on top of things this year.
Happy growing!
Posted by admin | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on August 6, 2010
Here’s are photos of our garden on August 6, 2010. Click each for a larger view.
I picked 28 cucumbers today!

Posted by admin | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on March 10, 2010
This morning was the first walk with Benji and Bishop where the road was entirely free of ice! Hopefully that’s the end of it for the season, because it’s not fun walking two strong dogs on icy pavement. Yikes!
Posted by admin | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on March 5, 2010
I took the dogs on their usual walk this morning. It was so foggy we could hardly see the road in front of us! About 15 minutes in, I noticed that the leashes looked very frayed… little strings were sticking out all over. I thought it odd that I hadn’t noticed that before!
A few minutes later I saw strings all over my own jacket, and then realized there was frost all over my shoulders! I looked at the dogs and saw it starting on them too! I got to watch frost grow while we walked. What a bizarre thing.
Tried to snap some shots of this rare experience with my phone – wish I had a better camera along! All the frost melted as soon as we entered the garage.
Later in the day I learned others were affected by this crazy weather too. I’ll try to remember it as the day we were touched by Jack Frost and not this…

Posted by admin | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on July 4, 2008
We had a great time with family over the holiday, and attended a beautiful outdoor wedding too!
Posted by admin | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on May 25, 2008
Didn’t get anything accomplished in the yard today, but I did make an EXCELLENT Asparagus Soup! (If I do say so myself.) A nice treat.
Ryan and I filled the truck bed up with another load of compost and mulch before our Memorial Day Weekend festivities later in the day. Had to buy gas (ugh) so we can mow the lawn this weekend… we’re those terrible neighbors that let their dandelions go to seed. We know how much people like that.