Spring Thundersnow


Posted by admin | Posted in Home & Property | Posted on March 24, 2011

We have snow again. Seventeen inches of the stuff. I was too depressed to take an updated photo of the yard, but just imagine solid WHITE and 3-foot snowbanks and you’re nearly there. We already had the plow off the truck for what we thought was the last time this season. Little did we know. Needless to say, this will set our gardening back a few weeks. Sigh.

Today’s Report from the National Weather Service:

“A late-season winter storm produced heavy, wet snow and occasional thundersnow across parts of central and northeast Wisconsin on March 22-23, 2011.  During the two-day period, many locations reported over a foot of snow.  Green Bay officially recorded 17.8 inches.  That’s the highest snowstorm total in over 120 years of weather records; only two storms produced more snow (29.0″ in March 1888 and 23.1″ in January 1889).  In addition, this storm is the third one this season to produce 10 inches or more of snow in Green Bay, the first time that’s ever happened during a winter season.”

If you’re curious, click on the thumbnail to see more lovely details. I’ll think I’ll go seed shopping to improve my mood. 🙂

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