A Dozen Buckets of Day Lilies; One Afternoon


Posted by admin | Posted in Flower Beds | Posted on July 13, 2008

We fly out tomorrow. Out-of-the-country out. But when someone offers FREE PERNNIALS, I just can’t say no!

Ryan and I loaded up my entire car (did I say ENTIRE) with day lilies from a co-worker. They filled my trunk, covered the rear folded-down seats, filled my passenger seat and floor.  The car was so packed that plants were touching me from the back and the right as I drove.  I sure wish I had a photo of that!

So, 12 buckets of day-lilies and today is the only day we have to get them in the ground.  Here we go!

We dug out the not-so-attractive bush that was planted in front of the well, along with a circle of grass.  Filled the area with compost and dropped in several day lily plants.

After that, we planted them around the yard in various sunny beds.  Can’t wait to see them next year!  Whew, can’t believe we got them all in!  Now, where’s my passport?

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